Mission Statement
Egyptian Health Department is dedicated to providing human services that support and enhance the lives of individuals, families, and groups in southern Illinois.
About Egyptian Health Department
The Egyptian Health Department was founded in 1952 as a Public Health Department. A full complement of Mental Health services was added in 1972 changing the name to the Egyptian Public and Mental Health Department.
Egyptian Health Department is governed by a Board of Health for Saline, Gallatin, and White County, and by a 708 Board in Wayne County for behavioral health services.
The counties served by the department are Saline, Gallatin, White, and Wayne.The Egyptian Public & Mental Health Department has offices located in Eldorado, Harrisburg (Saline County), Carmi (White County), and Shawneetown (Gallatin County).
The Egyptian Behavioral Health Office is located in Fairfield, (Wayne County).
Click here for our Notice of non-discrimination and right to accessible services.
*Our EEO utilization report is available here.
- Angie Hampton, CEO
- David Aldridge, Chief Financial Officer
- Jamie Byrd, Public Health Administrator
- Teresa Pickering, Chief Information Officer
- Wanda Scates, Director of Adult Services
- Stacia Penrod, Director of Child-Adolescent Services
- Dr. David Warshauer, Agency Psychologist
- Alyssa Oglesby, Director of Nursing
- Angie Peyton, Director of Administrative Services
Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)
EHD’s CQI Plan has a strong balance of qualitative and quantitative methods and is integrated into everything EHD does. The CQI Plan incorporates the organization’s strategic initiatives, our misson statement, and exists to build organizational excellence, deliver quality services and produce improved client outcomes.
Our CQI Structure has three separate work groups; Child & Adolescent, Adult, and Public Health, which meet monthly. These work groups report to an Agency CQI Group which meets quarterly and which reports to the Board of Directors.
Angie Hampton is the CEO of Egyptian Public and Mental Health Department serving Saline, Gallatin,White, Wayne and Hamilton Counties. She has a master’s degree in Rehabilitation Administration from Southern Illinois University and has completed the Harvard Kennedy School Executive Education program. She was a 2008-2009 graduate from the Delta Leadership Institute sponsored by the Delta Regional Authority. Angie is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, Licensed Social Worker and Certified Rehabilitation Counselor. She has written numerous grants for systems change around public health and behavioral health issues as well as participates in many statewide initiative for healthcare transformation in Illinois. She currently is Co-Chair of the DHS Social Services Advisory Committee (SSAC), Southern Illinois University School of Medicine Center for Rural Health and Social Services Development Board President, Illinois Rural Health Association (IRHA) Board Member, Southern Illinois Healthcare Community Benefits Advisory Member, Saline County CASA Board Vice-President, Saline County CEO Board of Directors, Illinois Rural Health Network (IRHN) Board Member, and Eldorado High School Foundation Board Member. Angie has worked for Egyptian Health Department for 28 years and is currently leading the agency’s response as the local public health department for Saline, Gallatin and White counties during the COVID pandemic.
Egyptian Health Department Scholarship Application
Egyptian Health Department Scholarship is a one-time $1,000 scholarship, available to a high school senior in Saline, White and Gallatin Counties, on a competitive basis, in recognition of a commitment to health care services.
Click here to download the application.
Click here to apply online.
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